
A port of WAGMI to SvelteJS 5, to make Web3 development even easier.

Design Considerations

This library has been made to emulate the React experience as much as possible.

However, because Svelte is not React[citation needed], there will inevitably be some differences. Here is a (hopefully comprehensive) list:

  • Stores are prefixed with create- instead of use- (e.g. createAccount instead of useAccount, createChainId instead of useChainId, etc.)
    • While this may cause some confusion (createConfig sounds like it’s, well, creating a config), this library uses this naming convention very consistently.
    • Any re-exported methods from @wagmi/core starting with create- have now been renamed to createWagmi- (e.g. createWagmiConfig instead of createConfig) to avoid naming conflicts
  • To maintain reactivity, we now return a function that returns the value instead of the value itself. More on this in the next section.


If you’re coming from React, you are probably used to using hooks like this:

const { address, chainId, status } = useAccount();

However, in Svelte, runes containing primitive values cannot be directly returned and also stay reactive. As a workaround, we return a function, which you can access through $derived.by. For example:

const { address, chainId, status } = $derived.by(createAccount()); // createAccount is the Svelte version of useAccount

Getting Started

First, install the library:

$ pnpm add @byteatatime/wagmi-svelte

Then, you need to wrap everything that will use these hooks in the WagmiProvider component. If not all the pages will do so, I would recommend creating a group and putting it in the +layout.svelte file. Otherwise, just put it inside the layout at the root of the project.

Your +layout.svelte file should look something like this:

  import { WagmiProvider } from "wagmi-svelte";

  <slot />

Much like Wagmi React, you pass your config into the provider component. As mentioned above, the config is now created with createWagmiConfig. Here is a basic example:

  import { WagmiProvider, createWagmiConfig, http } from "wagmi-svelte";
  import { mainnet, sepolia } from "wagmi-svelte/chains";

  const config = createWagmiConfig({
    chains: [mainnet, sepolia],
    transports: {
      [mainnet.id]: http(),
      [sepolia.id]: http(),

  <slot />

You can then use the hooks in any child components.